How to Plan your Wedding Day Timeline

As a photographer I’ve had 10 years of insight into how a wedding progresses from start to finish. Being a bit of a planner myself, I love to help my couples decide exactly how they want their day to flow, and I figured the process might be helpful to share, so here goes…


I’m going to base this on my 7hr Classic Package coverage of a wedding in mid April (which has an approx sunset time of 6pm - light is important!!) at a venue that has the Ceremony and Reception in the same place, and the preps close by.

I’ll always start by finding out what is most important to my couple, and it usually falls under three categories:

a) guest interaction

b) bridal party good times

c) meaningful moments

Below are three ways to use the same 7hr package, while prioritising different things.


All your nearest and dearest are going to big effort to be there, and you just want to spend as much time as possible with them all!

2.30 ‘First Look’ - somewhere close to the venue or at the venue (where guests can’t observe), bride and groom see each other for the first time, and we do all the Bridal Party portraits while everyone is fresh!

4.00 Ceremony - then we kick on to the Ceremony, groom finds his spot at the front while Bride freshens up before her big entrance

4.30 Congrats - you can eyeball each guest as they give you a big squeeze/slap on the back

5.00 Group Photos - you don’t often get to be together all dolled up, so you want to make the most of it

5.30 Mingling - some chillded bevies, maybe a lawn game or too, enjoy the sunset with your guests

6.15 Guest Entry - they can all find their seats while you freshen up

6.30 Bridal Party Entry - food, speeches, cake cut, hit the dance floor

9.30 Package concludes but P.A.R.T.Y. continues



They’re your people, your brother from another mother, your homies, and you just wanna HAVE FUN with them all on your big day!

12.30 Grooms Preps - da boyz being boyz

1.30 Bridal Preps - champaigne pillow fights and wedding dress reveals

3.15 Pre Ceremony

3.30 Ceremony

4.00 Recession straight into Group Photos

4.30 Bridal Party Portraits - take the eski full of bevies and snacks and go have some fun

6.30 Bridal Party Entry - happy smiley faces, reception room details

7.30 Package concludes but party continues



The love letters, quiet moments, traditions, family heirlooms, vows and speeches are the things you want your day to be about!

1.00 Grooms Preps - gifts for your groomcrew, reading your love letter, mum and dad moments

2.00 Bridal Preps - gifts for your bridesmaids, reading your love letter, mum getting you dressed, dads ‘first look’

3.30 Pre Ceremony

3.45 Ceremony - give a bit of time for tradition, meaningful readings and vows

4.30 Recession straight into Group Photos

5.00 Bridal Party Portraits - your bridal party joins for a little, and then leaves you to yourselves, to soak in the day

6.00 Bridal Party Entry - guest reactions, speeches, first dance, reception room details

8.00 Package concludes but party continues


If you’ve got any questions at all about planning your big day, please get in contact, I’m really happy to help!